IF/Indexing - Pratidhwani the Echo

ISSN: 2278-5264 (Online)
ISSN: 2321-9319 (Print)
A Peer-Reviewed Indexed Journal of Humanties & Social Science
Impact Factor: 6.28 (Index Copernicus International) 3.1 (InfoBase Index)
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30 April 2025
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The INFLIBNET Centre promotes open access to Indian scholarly content through the InfoPort: A Subject Gateway for Indian Electronic-Resources. While Centre uses and promotes Intute, a well-known subject gateway developed by MIMAS, UK, the InfoPort is designed and developed to serve as a comprehensive gateway to all Indian scholarly content. The gateway open-ups the Indian scholarly content scattered over the Internet through an integrated interface that support search, browse and multiple listing. The InfoPort selectively catalogues online resources of Indian origin on diversified subjects available in open access through an elaborate process of testing and evaluation. The Centre proposes to collaborate with librarians and scholars in college and universities in the process of identification and selection of resources.
Advanced Sciences Index
Advanced Sciences Index Indexes journals. It is aiming at rapid evaluation and Indexing of all local and international journals.
Advanced Sciences Index provides following services with Frequency of 12-Indexing round per year:
  • Evaluation and Indexing of journals
  • Estimation quality of journals based on comprehensive defined standards.
  • Journal panel for journals to monitor and control quality of their journals.
Cosmos Foundation
Cosmos Foundation was founded by renowned scientists. A group of 100 scientist from various countries in different disciplines are started Cosmos (2010) with specific objective of providing quality information to the researcher. We offer academic database services to researcher. We provide impact factor and index of academic journals, books. We maintain academic database services to researchers, journal editors and publishers. Cosmos provides a detailed report of individual journal for further improvement of respective journal overall look up and technical aspect for better Impact Factor.
Index Copernicus International, Ul. Żurawia 6/1200-503 Warszawa, Warsaw, Poland
Index Copernicus International is an international, specialized platform for promoting scientific achievements, as well as supporting national and international collaboration between scientists, publishers of scientific journals and scientific entities. We invite you to familiarization the specific sections of the Index Copernicus International: ICI Journal Master List, ICI Publishers Panel, ICI Publishing, ICI Scientist, ICI Science Evaluation.
KindCongress is basically a free, worldwide service in order to advance the quality of international conferences with the aim of expanding the culture of science.

Open Academic Journals Index, 26/2 Konstitutcii, Office 6, Sochi 354000. Russian Federation
Open Academic Journals Index (OAJI) is a full-text database of open-access scientific journals. Founder — International Network Center for Fundamental and Applied Research, Russian Federation. Our mission lies in putting together an international platform for indexing open-access scientific journals. In a short-term perspective, we are considering calculating the journal Impact Factor. When it comes to calculating the impact factor, of great significance is how full the archive has gotten over the previous two years.
2021, Dept. of Bengali, Karimganj College, All Rights Reserved
Design & Developed By: Dr. Bishwajit Bhattacharjee
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