Vol-I, issue-III, January 2013 - Pratidhwani the Echo

ISSN: 2278-5264 (Online)
ISSN: 2321-9319 (Print)
A Peer-Reviewed Indexed Journal of Humanties & Social Science
Impact Factor: 6.28 (Index Copernicus International) 3.1 (InfoBase Index)
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Vol-I, issue-III, January 2013

1. Dr. Hazrat Hasanuzzaman, Guest Faculty, Dept. of Arabic, Assam University, Silchar.
Arabic  Language : Characteristics And Importance


Today, Arabic has been one of the richest languages of the world. In the middle ages, it was the leading language of the world and occupied an international position similar to that of English at the present time. Significantly enough that it has left much influence over the languages of Europe, especially, in chemical and astronomical terms. Similarly, in linguistic filed, it is to be noted that many Indian languages had developed under the tutelage of Arabic. In addition, it is the holy language of Islam and as such, it has been studied in the four corners of the world as a language of a great religion and civilization. Due to an elaborate system of grammar, words possessing various meaning, numerous synonyms and rich vocabulary, Arabic has been a  complicated language. But at the same time, it has provided immense scopes for expressing thoughts in different ways. The study of the Arabic language should not become the monopoly of some people or of one section of the Indian people, but should be studied by all those who are interested in gaining a better knowledge of the social, economic or political conditions of the Arab world today, or want to study its glorious past history  and philosophy, or desirous of availing the better placement facility in the Arab world.
Language: English               Discipline: Arabic     

2. Mahbubur Rahman, Ph.D. Research Scholar, Dept. of Arabic, Assam University, Silchar.  
Critical study on The Trilogy of Najib Mahfouz


The Trilogy is the most mature work in the realistic vein of Nobel Laureate Najib Mahfouz (1911-2006) published in 1956-1957 in separate volumes taking their titles from street names in Old Cairo as Bain al Qasrain, Qasr al- Shawq and al- Sukkariyya. In this novel the novelist Najib Mahfouz depicts the 20th centuries burning social issues of Egyptian society like -  hypocrisy, patriarchy, polygamy, adultery, drunkenness, poverty, disease, sufferings,  hunger, tensions and pretensions, caste politics, inter-racial relations, tradition and modernity, and changing values of the modern civilization. Mahfouz’s international fame rests mainly on his Cairo Trilogy. This novel is applauded for its realism, and as Edward Said put it for being “a dutiful sociological mirror of modern Egypt.” According to Hamdi Sakkut, it can be ranked as the most significant work in the history of the Arabic novel. For this noble work he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1988.
Language: English           Discipline: Arabic

3. Mizazur Rahman Talukdar, A Senior Research Fellow with the Centre of Arabic and African Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.
Lamhatun min hayat-e-Rabindranath Tagorem(A Glimpse of the life of Rabindranath Tagore)


Rabindranath Tagore, the very name itself is more than sufficient and does not require any introduction further. Tagore is all time celebrated writer and poet of this planet Earth. He is one among all those truly global citizens who could successfully break the barrier of the East and the West. His multi-faceted personality, in the quest of expression, did touch almost every genre of Bengali literature. At a very young age of 17 years, Tagore was sent to England to study law. But to Tagore, a born poet, law was not his cup of tea. Instead of studying law he got exposed to the western literature. He studied Shakespeare, Milton, and Shelly etc. and started writing in “Bharti” the magazine published by his elder brother Dwijendranath Tagore. After getting married with Mrinalini Devi in 1884, Rabindranath Tagore was entrusted to look after his family zamindari in Shilaidaha in East Bengal. This was a turning point in the life of poet Rabindranath. Here in Shilaidaha, Tagore came in close contact with the nature as well as the village life and culture. His close observation of the village life, its toiling masses and their suffering life struggles got amply reflected in Tagore’s literature. Very late, I mean in post 70’s of his life, Tagore resorted to painting and delivered his best. Freedom loving boy Rabindranath was very much fed up with the prevailing system of education. Being confined within the four walls of a classroom was unbearable for him. This is the reason that Rabindranath could not complete his institutional education. To him education must be inclusive which covers almost every aspect of an individual’s life. To materialize his vision of true education Rabindranath Tagore established Shantiniketan (the brain child of Rabindranath) in 1901. In this Arabic article entitled “Lamhatun min hayat-e-Rabindranath Tagore” or (A glimpse of the life of Rabindranath Tagore) efforts have been made to deal with various dimensions of the personality of Rabindranath Tagore. This article is my hearty homage to the beloved poet.
Language:Arabic      Discipline: Arabic

4.  Mizazur Rahman Talukdar, A Senior Research Fellow with the Centre of Arabic and African Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.
Arabic Migration Literature of America


In between 1st and 2nd world wars, a new genre of Arabic literature flourished in North and South America by the Arab origin immigrant community over there. This new form of Arabic literature is known as “Mahjar Literature” or the migration literature. This is a hybrid of both the English as well as Arabic literatures. The Mahjar writers were influenced by the western literature. They brought a new revolution in Arabic poetry advocating the usage of free verses and simple language without much intricacy. In this article efforts have been made to analyze the historical perspective of Lebanese migration to America in late 19th and early 20th century. Some of the characteristics of Migration literature have been dealt with along with a brief introduction to Gibran Khalil Gibran, the most celebrated Mahjar poet and philosopher.
Language: English Discipline: Arabic

5. Dr. Paramita Acharjee, Lecturer, Vivekananda Jn. College, Silchar, Assam, India.
Prafulla Royer 'Bhater Gandho' : Pratap-bishwer Antarale Spandito Jibon


Life follows its own fragmentary way chequered in light and shade. Embroiled in its own cauldron it reaches the point of vortex when power comes into the fray and raises its ugly head. Bruised and battered, it seems to stumble in its own path. But the milk of the human kindness continues to make its pristine way amidst these changing tides. ‘Bhater Gandha’ by Prafulla Roy captures this slice of life as it sheds light on the subaltern section in Bihar, living on the edge, their endeavor to clutch at a meaning despite all the existing void. This is a review/ critique of the novel.
Language: Bengali           Discipline: Bengali  

6. Mampi Baidya, Research Scholar, Dept. of Bengali, Assam University, Silchar, Assam, India.
Tapan Bandopadhyayer Uponyase Prantic Ancholer Narira


Tapan Bandyapadhaya is one of the most contemporary authors of today’s crucial period. He has been writing unlimited poems,stories,novels, suspense stories, detective stories etc.‘Taand Bangla’ got particular space in his writings.‘Taand Bangla’has been neglected for a long period of time in Bengali literary composition.Although ‘Taand Bangla’ is incomparable not only for its geographical position but also for its social,political,economical even the study of living of these people reveals that they are independent from others in Bengal.the plot has chosen by the author is Medinipur which is a district hearby West Bengal adjoin with Orissa,Bihar,and Jharkhand.as a fusion of these three states.‘Taand Bangla’is unfertile with forests and red soil which has been being the habitat for saotaal,Munda,Shaabar,Lodha,Khedia etc.undoutedly,the scenario of recent Indian village life has reflected in ‘Taand Bangla’r Upakkhayan’(2000), ‘Taand Bangla’r Rupakkhyan,(2003) ‘Taand Bangla’r Ritikatha’(2005)During the last two decades of 20th century i.e,the time period of ‘Taand Bangla’there has been revolutionary changes due to profuse Land reforming and changed panchayet system in dictatorship which leaded to end of landlordship with the arrival of party system.In modern era,women are equally & participating in social,political, economical issues which in a sign of a developed country.But before this,women were being exploited and pushed back in every field,moreprecisely,and day to day life duties. But with the changing of time and growing society although women from High and Royel class are enjoying a few facilities but the women from Lower class have always been neglected and exploited in every field.It has been seen that women from schedule cast and schedule tribe are representing the today’s society after the three tier Panchayet Election,1992.In accordance with this,Tapan Bandyapadhaya successful enough to cite the role and position of lower class women in political,social,economical and in panchayet to municipality infront of the reader group.
Language: Bengali           Discipline: Bengali

7. Sri Shobhan Sen, Asst prof., Dept. of Commerce, Karimganj College, karimganj, Assam, India.
IFRS Convergence and Applicability in India: Some Issues


Standardisation  of  Accounts  has  been  a  constant  effort  and  concern  to  the  various  professional accounting bodies both national and international. Standards are a set of rules that are aimed at making accounts more consistent, comparable and thereby  bringing in a harmonisation of accounting policies and  principles and practices  that,  in  turn,  are  expected  to  enhance  corporate  governance  and responsibility.  One  of the  recent  developments  in  the  field  of  standard  setting  is  the  International  Financial  Reporting Standards  (IFRS).  At  the  wake  of  globalisation,  an  attempt  to  bring  in  parity  in  the  reporting  of Financial Statements before the users has been made by the professional accounting bodies by trying to formulate a single set of accounting standards to be followed by the world. Since many countries including India have their own set of national Accounting Standards that are different on many counts especially on the socio-economic, cultural and legal norms, following of a set of common standards that are altogether different in practice will require some compromise between the prevailing standard norm and the new provisions. The  present  paper  mainly  attempts  to  focus  on  the  steps  adopted in  India and problems being faced  in  the  convergence  of IFRS  with  Indian  Accounting  Standards  and  thereby  to  throw  light  on  the  convergence  issue  by highlighting the convergence attempts taken by the IASB and the FASB on the international front.
Language: English        Discipline: Commerce   

8. Nayan Jyoti Das, Assistant  Professor, Department of English, Janata College, Serfanguri, Kokrajhar, Assam, India.
The Birth And Death Rituals Among The Santals Of Assam


Santal is the largest homogenous tribe of India. They entered Assam as the labourers of the tea gardens established by the British and as a part of the Resettlement after the Santal Revolution during 1885-87 more than a century ago. Though they came into contact with their Aryan, Dravidian and Mongolian neighbours since time immemorial, most of their traditional customs and rituals along with religious practises have  been unaffected by  the influence of their neighbour. The life cycle of  a Santal is marked with birth, initiation, marriage and death. Where birth in a Santal society is regarded as the most important and crucial event, death,to them,  indicate that the soul, after leaving the body, becomes a bonga (spirit) joining the abode of its deceased ancestors

Language: English         Discipline: English   

9. Gadapani Sarma, Asst. Prof., Dept. of Economics, Karimganj College, Karimganj, Assam, India.
A Case Study On Socio-Economic Condition Of Tea Garden Labourers –Lohpohia Tea Estate Of Jorhat District, Assam.


Tea Estate labourers play an important role in our society. Our society will never be complete without their involvement and contribution. Therefore, it is essential to study the socio-economic condition of this particular section. In our proposed study, I want to highlight the socio-economic conditions of this section not in general but specifically in connection with Lopohia Tea Estate of Jorhat district. Accordingly, we have framed some objectives to study the socio-economic condition of labourers of that particular Tea Estate.
Key Words: Socio-economic, Labourer, Tea Estate.

Language: English         Discipline: Economics

10. Sumita Dey, Research Scholar,  Dept of Visual Arts, Assam University, Silchar, Assam, India.
Fashion, Attire and Mughal women: A story behind the purdha


This study is focused on the attire and fashion of the Mughal women. The heram life of Mughal women is always a prime centre of attraction. The life inside the heam and within the purdha is taken into special consideration in this article. This article tried to highlight the life style of Mughal women especially in the field of fashion and the concept of beauty. The heram women also played a vital role for cultural amalgamation.  They belong from different religion and culture. Due to the Cosmo culture, inside the heram they were easily shared their views, thought and interest .The art and archicture of Mughal period also reveals this fact. The activities of Mughal women, within the four walls of heram and their contribution in the field of aesthetics were taken into special consideration

Language: English         Discipline: Visual Arts

11. Sumsun Noor Choudhury, PhD Scholar, Department of History, Assam University, Silchar,Assam, India.
Nankar Uprising Of Surma-Barak Valley From 1914 - 1964


The Nankar uprising of Sylhet District now in Bangaladesh and present Karimganj District of India was a purely subaltern uprising, a series of which took place at different places of pre portioned Sylhet  of erstwhile Surmavalley. At the time of British rule the permanent settlement was extended over the District, but in a peculiar form.
One features of the Zamindary or Mirashdary system of Sylhet was that the Mirashdars or land holders possessed Nankar Proza (tenants). They cultivated the land and enjoyed the product of land without paying any revenue to the landlords. But they had to render free services in houses or agricultural fields of Mirashdars or Zamindars, whatever might be case. The term Nankar is derived from Persian words Nan and kar. The Nan means Bread and Kar means service. So the term Nankar means earning of bread in exchange of service. Actually the Nankar Proza or subject was such a wretched person who has no land of his own for cultivation and even constructing his home and hearth. Again, the person was a saleable commodity along with landed property.
The revenue system which prevalent in medieval sylhet gave the shape of Nankar system which continued to British period  with modification. Socio- economic condition of the Nankar was beggar’s description. However, this group of mankind once mustered courage to rise against their Masters which developed the Nankar uprising in different places of present Surma – Barak Valley and Sylhet division of Bangladesh.

Language: English         Discipline: History

12.Kaberi Borah, Research Scholar, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, National Institute of Technology, Silchar
Entrepreneurship in Small Tea Plantation: A case of Assam


The tea industry of Assam is more than 180 years old by now. The cultivation of tea on small holding is comparatively a recent development.  This Small tea cultivation is an integral component of large scale tea industry of the entire state by producing nearly 25 per cent of total tea production of the state. It provides ample avenues for self employment of educated unemployed youth besides engaging family members. The high profitatibility coupled with the prospect of getting steady income with minimum effort have attracted a large number of educational youth both rural urban. In many empirical researches, it has been observed that small scale tea cultivation was widely recognized as an integral part of economic development of many countries and region of the world. There is a large scope for entrepreneurial involvement as it provides employment, generates income, wealth and act as a key force for economic growth of a region. It has also been found that there are 68,465 Small Tea Growers in Assam contributing nearly 5 lakh families associated with small tea plantation. It has the potentiality of the transform of socio-economic condition of rural Assam. The cultivation of tea on small holding is the green revolution of Assam which empowering many people for the first time and rejuvenating the state’s economy. These private initiatives taken up by small tea growers may cultivate the spirit of entrepreneurship and would strengthen the backbone of the rural economy of Assam. Present paper will try to explore the opportunity of tea entrepreneurship and its impact on the rural economy of the state.
Language: English         Discipline: Management

13.Neelam Prasad Yadav, Research Scholar, Department of Social Work,     Assam University, Silchar-788011, Assam, India
Dr. M. Gangabhushan, Assistant Professor, Department of Social Work, Assam University, Silchar-788011, Assam, India.
Community Based Flood Management In Assam: Role Of Assam State Disaster Management Authority (Asdma) And Social Worker

Abstract :
Nations across the globe now stand committed to reducing impact of disasters on communities by minimizing the loss of life and property, preventing environmental damage and socio- economic disruption caused by extreme natural events. The ultimate goal is to prevent hazards from turning into disasters.
The process of building disaster resilient communities is the most significant step towards achieving the objectives. Now there is marked change in our approach towards Disaster Management. We now attach topmost priority to disaster risk management instead of confining all our efforts to post – disaster emergency response. This new approach calls for proactive disaster management initiative in which local communities have been assigned a key role. The Communities and their response play a vital role in minimizing the damages caused by the disasters.
In the context of aforesaid brief analysis, an attempt has been made here to focus certain salient features of community based disaster preparedness in Cachar district. The people of Cachar face the disaster almost every year and have developed certain coping strategies to deal with disasters especially flood.
The paper will highlight the role played by ASDMA community based disaster management activities. There are a number of concerns that are either not attended or partially attended or simply touched in respect of Disaster Management in general and community based disaster preparedness in particular. The role of ASDMA and Social Worker seek to bridge the gap between response centric approach to disaster prevention and preparedness approach.
Community action in disaster management includes emergency operations and evacuation procedures when necessary and overall measures designed to minimise social and economic disruption, and to effect the restoration of normal community functioning as quickly as possible. The existences of community action in disaster management in multi disaster prone area affect the level of disaster management of the country. The paper brings forward the indigenous coping strategies to deal with floods which will work as role model for the entire country. Thus both policy making and implementation of community based flood management the social worker has an important role to play.
Key Words: Community Based Flood Management, Disaster Management, Coping Strategies, Social Work Intervention
Language: English         Discipline: Social Work

14. Subhash Saha, Reasearch  Scholar, CMJ University, Meghalaya, Shillong, India.
Challenges of unit cost Control of higher education in B.T.A.D

The paper tries to evaluate the problem of unit cost control for graduating a student in BTAD. The study conducted in the various higher education institute in the  4 district of B.T.A.D( Bodoland territorial area districts ) brought to light various cause and reasons for increasing of cost of educating a student in the institute of BTAD area. The study evaluated that the cost of higher education is higher in BTAD because of various factor and lack of management ability of the institute to impart education in the area.
Language: English         Discipline: Economics

15. Alit Sen Gupta, Research Scholar, CMJ University, Shillong, Meghalaya, Shillong, India.
Women entrepreneurship:Problems and Prospects in B.T.A.D


The paper tries to focus on the women entrepreneur development prospect in BTAD. The survey and the study brought to light the capacity of the women who came forward with the ability to use the unutilized resource. The sample survey of the various district of BTAD clarify that though immense prospect prevail in BTAD the zeal of the women to start something new has been crushed down with the on going problem prevailing in the area. The objective of the study was to explore the hidden prospect of women entrepreneurship and to find technique to up lift anxiety for leadership in women while tracking to reach the expected objective the methodology so adopted was a sample convenient method for various district of BTAD. Mostly it was seen that Problems are many but to bring out the entire population out of the grip of prejudice, mentally the women should get themselves prepared to change with the changing environment.
Key words: entrepreneur, prejudice, zeal, opportunity.

Language: English         Discipline: Management

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