Vol-II, Issue-II, October 2013 - Pratidhwani the Echo

ISSN: 2278-5264 (Online)
ISSN: 2321-9319 (Print)
A Peer-Reviewed Indexed Journal of Humanties & Social Science
Impact Factor: 6.28 (Index Copernicus International) 3.1 (InfoBase Index)
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Vol-II, Issue-II, October 2013

Article (Non-research)

Literature of Islamic Awakening: An analytical Study
Abul Mufid Md Hassan
Ph.D. Research Scholar , Arabic Department , Assam University, Silchar

Muhammad Wazeh  Rashid al-Hasani al- Nadawi is an eminent scholar of Islamic sciences and Arabic language and literature and also a celebrated Arabic journalist in contemporary India. He belongs to a famous family of Rai- Berali (U. P.), viz. Shah Elmullah family. He is an alumnus of Darul Ulum Nadwatul Ulama, Laknow and Aligarh Muslim University, two prestigious institutions of India. He is now occupying the post of Education Secretary in Darul Ulum Nadwatul Ulama, Laknow. He is also the chief editor of Al Raid (a fortnightly Arabic news paper) and sub editor of Al- Ba’sul Islami (a monthly Arabic Journal). Till now, he has produced many articles, research papers which are published in various national and international journals and also written a good number of Arabic books in history of Arabic literature, biography, Islamic culture etc. which are well accepted among the readers. One of his famous book is أدب الصحوة الإسلامية (The literature of Islamic awakening). In this book the writer discussed the contribution of many Islamic thinkers, philosophers, writers such as Amir Shakib Arsalan, Hasan al- Banna, Al- Sayeed Kutub, Ali Tantawi, Muhammad Ekhba, Abul Hasan Ali Al Hasani al- Nadawi etc. in all round development of their society and also mentioned how they use their outstanding literary works to awaken the people of their society from their deep sleep in respect of religious and worldly affairs. This book is an important guide for those who want to do something for betterment of their society. I have studied this book analytically and the present article entitled  "أدب الصحوة الإسلامية: دراسة تحليلية" is the output of this study.
Language: Arabic

Syed Abdul Malik: Hayatuhu wa A’amaluhu
Syed Abdul Malik: His Life and Works
Mahbubur Rahman

Research Scholar, Department of Arabic, Assam University, Silchar, Assam


Syed Abdul Malik (1919-2000) was an uncrowned emperor of Assamese literature. He started his literary career in the early forties and enriched Assamese literature with short stories, novels, poetry and other writings spanning over five decades. In terms of statistics of fictional work, Syed Abdul Malik was unrivalled. No other writer has contributed so extensively towards the growth of Assamese literature as he did. Malik’s contribution to Assamese literature, particularly in the sphere of novel and short story, is indeed noteworthy. He is a distinguished writer among the fiction writes of the pre as well as post world war period who have successfully depicted the problems of man and the society.
Language: Arabic


Sangbadikata Proshonge Ram Mohan o sei somoy

Prithwi Sengupta

When discussion  arises about the newspaper of Bengal and its continuum, during the 19th century, it’s not  easy to keep aside the relevancy of the contribution of Raja Ram Mohan Roy, in this aspect. It’s an exceptional example, in the regard of that time period, that how he not only gave his opinion regarding the inter-relations of various subjects, like, Bengali, History, Philosophy, Religion, Literature, but also forwarded, at least tried to give, his individualistic thoughts through the newspaper or rather the work for journalism. This paper has firmly tried to bring  his personality,from the point of view of this history; and there we can see that how one can follow his path by the influence of his own ideology, leaving aside all  the obstacles. We can find many other examples of these kind, both in the history of this country, India, and in the history of journalism. Likewise, it’s also stated throughout this analytical paper that, there is importance of separate discussion of the contemporary settings, entirely, including, every type of catalytically active elements, when we are discussing any state of history, as well as, the fact of matter of present day-situation.
The present paper is an attempt to present not only the past social system, but also Ram Mohan, his personal life, his professional life and his role in journalism. For that reason, there are three important subjective matters, which have got separate and individual importance in this paper and those are - the person, Ram Mohan, the link of newspaper rather journalism, with him and the history of India, which was under British rule, and the contemporary situation.

Language: Bengali

Article (Research)


Abhijit Sen’er Chhotogolpe Uttarbanger Nimnabargio Janapadjibon

Md. Amirul Islam
Research Scholar, Deptt. of Bengali, Assam University, Silchar, Assam, Inida

Abhijit sen is a famous and exceptional writer of 21st Century. As a Bank Officer he observed and surveyed the Uttarbangas' rural and marginalized people very closely. In North Bengal, Uttardinajpur, Dakhshindinajpur, Malda district and Murshidabad district he studied the poor, marginalized people and their socio-economical living.   The districts of Darjeeling, jalpaiguri, and Coachbehare were also studied very closely. Basically Malda, Uttardinajpur, Dakhshindinajpur, and Malda district and their people, their religious faith, supernatural beliefs, socio-economical status, social life, etc . As a Bank Officer and loan Collector he  got the opportunity  to tread the unreached areas and saw the real  plight of the people.
Abhijit sen is a new age writer in contemporary period. The new thoughts of literature like ‘subaltern study’, ‘myth’,’ Magical realism’ are present in his writings. The short stories of Abhijit Sen like—Dhanpoka, sheyal, Nadir madhey shahar, Simanta, Kalapata, Rahamater Feresta, Gandi, Lakhindar fire asbe, Kaak, mach, Mahabrukser aral etc. portray Uttarbangas' marginalized subaltern deprived classes' social life.
Abhijit Sen showed the life of Uttarbangas peoples in his own views, Their cultural life, religious life, social life, economical life, mystic realism, mythology and other facets are shown in his short stories.

Language: Bengali


Borak Upotyokar Lokonritye Bishwaner Prabhab: Prasanga Ojha Nrityer Noboangik

Surjyasen Deb
Assistant Professor, Lalit Chandra Bharali College, Maligaon, Assam, India

Ojha dance is one of the most popular dance forms of Barak Valley. It is mainly known as Folkdance. But it is very rich with classical elements. so, experts of the valley are trying to establish ojha dance as classical dance. But, in my personal opinion it will be appropriate to term ojha dance as Claasico-Folk Dance.Ojha dance is originally related to Manasa Puja and it is mainly performed on the occasion of Manasa Puja.Now, with the rapid change in society the original form of ojha dance is going to disappear from our society. On the other hand ojha dance gets a new form or style by renowned Nrityaguru Mukundadas Bhattacharya and other dance expert from Silchar Sangeet Vidyalaya.So, now we can enjoy ojha dance in two different form and style. First, the original form which is performed in three to seven days and only on Manasa Puja .And the other one is institutional form made by Silchar sangeet Vidyalaya, which is performed in eight to ten minutes on stage or cultural programme.This new form of ojha dance is the result of the effect of globalization.because,here,  the attraction of audience is more important than it’s originality. We know at the present age of globalization the taste of entertainment is also changed with the time. So, with the other tools dance and music are also coming with new beauty to survive. Here, in this paper I have tried to discuss the effect of globalization on folk dances of Barak Valley, especially ojha dance. Finally the paper will try to draw the picture of new of ojha dance.
Language: Bengali


Samaresh Basur 'Ganga' Uponyase Nimnoborgio Somaj

Nitish Das
Research Scholar, Dept. of Bengali, Assam University, Silchar, India

Samaresh Basu is one of the renowned novelists of modern Bengali literature. Apart from Tarashankar and Manik Bandhopadhya, Samaresh Basu is the most versatile and popular among the modern novelists. His novel ‘Ganga’, written in the post-colonial period is widely acknowledged as a milestone in theme and treatment. It is one of the best novels in Bengali related with the life of the fisherman and others living beside river. In the capitalist society it has been observed that the subaltern group work very hard but they are very much under privileged and deprived of the minimum opportunities of life. The middleman snatches away the profit from these poor fishermen and they remain poor throughout their lives and this way they carry the burden of loan from one generation to other. Even then they have their own dreams, expectation from life, and struggle for emancipation which has been portrayed in a befitting manner in this novel. Based on secondary data the paper aims to study role of Ganga River on life of fishermen as is explored in Samaresh Basu’s novel ‘Ganga’.
Language: Bengali


Rabindranather Chotogolpe Brittibhittik Modhyobitto Ainjibi Srenir Nana Jibikar Aartho-Samajik Mulyayon

Prashanta Das
Research Scholar, Tripura University, Tripura, India

The artistic and sociological significance of Tagore’s short stories can be well penetrated from various angles. His short stories not only portrays the life style of the middle class people but also documented their professions. In Tagore’s short stories, three distinctive middle class people have been identified, namely middle class related to service sector and intellectual middle class. The present research paper focuses on the middle class belonging to the law related service sector. The British colonial policy is highly influential in generating interest among middle class towards law related service sector. Among the middle class professionals in several service sectors in the 19 th and 20 th century, the law related professional were the dominate group. The socio-economic condition of this profession and the people related to it will be studied in this paper with reference to the short stories of Tagore. The present paper also focuses on the evolutionary history of the law related professionals in Bengal.
Language: Bengali

Empowering women by enhancing their access to financial services with special reference to Ujani Majuli Development Block  under Jorhat District: An analytical study of selected SHGs.
Achyut Krishna Borah
Enami Hazarika

Department of Commerce, Dibrugarh University, Assam. India.

Financial inclusion is the delivery of financial services, at affordable costs, to sections of disadvantaged and low income segments of society. Unrestrained access to public goods and services is the sine qua non of an open and efficient society. It is argued that as banking services are in the nature of public good; the availability of banking and payment services to the entire population without discrimination is the prime objective of this public policy. The term "financial inclusion" has gained importance since the early 2000s, and is a result of findings about financial exclusion and its direct correlation to poverty. North East India includes 8 states and there are huge potentials regarding financial inclusions.  Women empowerments through SHGs are the most important tools to enhance their access in financial services. SHG is a small group (15 to 20 members), voluntarily formed and related by affinity for specific purpose, it is a group whose members use savings, credit and social involvement as instruments of empowerment. This paper tries to evaluate the empowerment of women in Ujani Majuli Development Block through SHGs. For this the researcher conducted field survey among samples selected in the block. The SHGs financial conditions, formation, preliminary finance are also surveyed by the researcher. This paper is an honest attempt to understand the contribution of SHGs towards empowerment of women in the Ujani Majuli development block of Jorhat districts and to highlight the challenges faced therein.
Language: English

Dr. Tapan Ray

Ex Post Doctorate Fellow, Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), Delhi
Email Id: tapanray.1980@gmail.com,


The mawallis are the professional honey collectors of the Sundarban Impact Zone. They use indigenous traditional knowledge and technique to collect honey from the forest for a long time. At present, few issues are affecting these lives and livelihoods. One of the key issues is the issue of governance. A large number of mawalli are presently left out of the purview of the forest departmental rule and regulation. I have identified some major problems faced by the mawallis during honey collection period. The main objectives of the study are to identify the causes of livelihood vulnerabilities of the mawallis and to find out possible ways to reduce their vulnerabilities. A total of 60 samples of the mawallis were studied and observed. Form the observation came out major problems like tiger attack, snake and crocodile, forest robbers, corrupt forest officials, unkind BSF officials, money lender, lack of tools and lack of arms to protect themselves etc. They face other difficulties like political grouping, external social and environmental pressures, migration and the encroachment on this culture by modern lifestyles. All these problems have weakened their traditional knowledge and socio-economic background. For the same causes they are unable to hold on to their traditional heritage and are facing a challenge every day for their livelihood. In this circumstance they are on the verge of losing their socio-economic security. The study recommends some points for protection their livelihood.
Sundarban, Mawallis, Livelihood, Emerging problems,
Language: English

Psycho-Social Needs & Problems of Domestic   Girl Child Workers---A Case Study
Dr.  Runumi Devi
H.O.D. Dept.  of Education,  North  Gauhati  College, Assam, India

In India, child labour is a common social problem throughout the country. Child  labour stands as  a bar  of  human  development  in  terms  of  curtail of  child’s rights  & freedom, education,  health care  and  equal  psycho-social  status  in  comparison  to  the  non-labourer  child  under  the  lap  of  parental  care, love  and  affection. Many  legal    protection   help   the domestic  girl  child  from  economic  exploitation  ,from  formal  education  and  over  all  psycho-  social development.   It  is  generally  found  that  the problem  of  child  labour  is  more  serious  among  the  girl  child . It  is  estimated  that  around  80%  of  child domestic  workers  are  girls. Domestic  girl  child  workers  are  persons  under  eighteen  years of  age  who  work in  other people’s  households.  In today’s world girl  childs  are considered  as  equal with that of male child  but  due  to  economic  insecurity  and  illiteracy  of  parents,  they  are  deprive  from  formal  education and  proper  health  care  as  compared  to  their  counterparts.   Therefore,  it  is  the  duty  of  all concerned  to  protect  the  girl   child  for all round development of our nation. In  this  paper  an  attempt  has  been made  to  study the   psycho-social  needs &  working  conditions  of domestic girl child workers in a sample area of North Guwahati, Assam.  
KEY words: Psycho-Social needs, working conditions, Domestic girl Childs.
Language: English

Concept of Time in Harold Pinter’s Betrayal
Paulami Dasgupta
Research Scholar, Department of English, Assam University, Silchar, india

In most of his works, Pinter makes an exploration of memory; what is real and what is imaginary fuse together in his plays. Also Pinter has always made his characters use the gaps in their memory to their advantage. His works very often show his preoccupation with the elusive nature of human memory. However, from the late 1960s through the 1980s, Pinter composed a series of plays which focussed tenaciously on the overwhelming ambiguous nature of human memory. This particular era in the oeuvre of Pinter’s work is regarded by critics as the memory plays of Harold Pinter. The plays which come under this category include both masterpieces and some of his lesser known works. These are – Landscape (1968), Silence (1969), Night (1969), Old Times (1971), No Man’s Land (1975), The Proust Screenplay (1977), Betrayal (1978), Family Voices (1981), Victoria Station (1982), and A Kind of Alaska (1982).
    Regarded as one of his masterpieces, Betrayal is a study of human relationships and human behaviour. Though the emphasis is on the memory and the importance of the past in a person’s life, the play’s reverse order of sequences brings an added quotient to it. This article strives to study the concept of time and relationships as used by Pinter in the play. The researcher has made a new-historicist study of the theme of human relationships and how its form changes with the change of time in the article.
Language: English

Reflections on a changing society: The role of memories and recollections in the selected stories of Gao Xingjian’s Buying a Fishing Rod for My Grandfather.

Smaranjit Singha
M.A. in English, Assam University, Silchar, Assam, India

The structure of a given society is determined to a great extent by the dominant ideologies prevalent therein. Being a part of the society, individuals are expected to adjust themselves with those ideologies which control their lives. In fact, in the face of the authoritative forces of the ruling group, individual lives change their course – sometimes beyond recognition. This idea is powerfully present in Buying a Fishing Rod for My Grandfather (2004), a collection of six short stories written by Gao Xingjian, the Nobel-Prize winning author from China. Set against the backdrop of the Cultural Revolution (1966-1976) in China, the book upholds how the fate of a whole generation is changed by the waves of certain ideological beliefs. Xingjian portrays in his stories a gallery of characters whose minds serve as reflections on a changing world of the Chinese people during and after the Revolution. In the present paper, an attempt has been made to highlight Xingjian’s search for a perspective to view the present in the light of the past, as suggested in three stories of the book – ‘The Temple’, ‘In the Park’ and ‘Buying a Fishing Rod for My Grandfather’. With an emphasis on the importance of memories and recollections in exploring the complexities of the human mind, the author, in these stories, takes the readers through a journey of China’s past – both before and during the Cultural Revolution. While he seems to focus on the contrast between the present and the past, Xingjian also hints at his own stance on the country’s fate, thus allowing himself to fit into Michel Foucault’s notion of the intellectual who has a much difficult task to accomplish.
KEYWORDS: Memories, Cultural Revolution, Mao Zedong, Nature, Countryside.
Language: English

Indian WOMEN: The Forgotten gender in History
Dr. Sahabuddin Ahmed
Associate Professor, Deptt. of History, Karimganj College, Karimganj, Assam, India

‘Women’, particularly Indian women, have always been misinterpreted and misled in the arena of History. They are the ‘forgotten-gender in history’. She has always been found hidden behind a mist of illusions. The false notions that-‘man for the world and woman for the man’ has grasped the Indian Society. Even the methods and concepts developed in the writings of history remained a male bastion. The patriarchal domination is so pervasive that the women came to be socialized with the male values and the writings of history were done from the male perspective and then women were totally forgotten and relegated and even remained as the ‘forgotten gender’ in history, though their contributions to history was equally and sometimes even more important than that of men.
    In this paper, it has been discussed and shown many reasons why history has remained a partial history. It has also been shown that woman should not be perceived merely in items of their labour or a child producing machinery but also in terms of their relationship both within and outside the family, their relations to men, children, society, economy and politics in shaping not only woman in history but even history itself. In this paper, it has also been shown that to integrate gender in history, what is really needed is a new consciousness and sensitivity against patriarchal domination which also requires gender neutral language,  which will be freed from male biasness-because this is an aspect which has been neglected for centuries by the historians.
Language: English

Champak Deka
Research Scholar, Gauhati University, Guwahati, Assam, India

The theory of creation which is primarily associated with the origin of the universe is one of the most significant theories. The philosophical speculations of India are somehow related to the Vedas. Although the Vedic accounts are based on mythology, yet they have great scientific value. Thus all the philosophical theories which have their origin in the Vedas are scientifically approved theories. The Sākhya system, one of the oldest and realistic systems of India, is notable for its theory of creation which finds favour with other systems of India and also the later Indian literature.
The Purāņas are the most important religious literature of India, next to the Vedas and the Mahākāvyas, i.e. the Rāmāyana and the Mahābhārata. As a class of literature, the Purāņas deal with all the aspects of Indian culture, its religion and philosophy, social practices, art, science and so on.  Cosmogony forms one of the fundamental topics discussed by the Purāņas. Out of the fivefold characteristics of the Purāa, the sarga or the creation of the universe is the first and foremost. The Purāic theory of creation very much corresponds to the theory of creation of the Sākhya philosophy. The Padmapurāa is one of the important Vaiṣṇava MahāPurāas where creation and dissolution of the universe are discussed as in the other Purāņas. In the present write up we propose to trace the theory of creation of Sākhya philosophy as depicted in the Padmapurāa.
Language: English

Creative Writing


Sahityo Aposahityo Ponyosahityo

Bhogirath Mishra
Renowned short Story Writer and Novelist

Language: Bengali

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