Volume-III, Issue-III, January 2015 - Pratidhwani the Echo

ISSN: 2278-5264 (Online)
ISSN: 2321-9319 (Print)
A Peer-Reviewed Indexed Journal of Humanties & Social Science
Impact Factor: 6.28 (Index Copernicus International) 3.1 (InfoBase Index)
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Volume-III, Issue-III, January 2015

Dr. Abhijit Gongopadhyay
Assistant Professor, Nahata J. N. M. S College, West Bengal, India 
In view point of science, Earth is moving around the sun and thus earth is helio-centric. In term of physics, Sun and earth are all the changed forms of matters. So, like various plant and animal, creation of human is also an ascertained result of material reflection and spontaneous change of inanimate world held in our universe over millions of years. In term of Vedanta the perpetual form of human development is also centralised by a supreme energy that named as many as God in different religion. So human development is dio-centric. As we all come from a single source of energy, there is no place in the new kind of physics both for the field and matter, for the field is only reality.
Swami Vivekananda as a devotee, in his ‘aratrik stotra’ worshiped his master Ramkrishna Paramhansadev and explained him there as a real founder and dedicated leader to all religion of the world. Swami Avedananda also explained him as a spotless, eternal soul descended in this earth ever before at many times in many forms to favour the people who were suffering differently from their different mortal pain. To his disciples Ramakrishna was a great saviour being worshiped as a descent of deity and proved himself as a part of God. The Kindness personified by him for the welfare of distressed people also proved that he was totally directed by almighty in the long run of his life to do the best and needful works for mankind. The great teacher Paramhansa Ramkrishnadev has told that if God is the real matter to know then other are not the real. In the other way, If we really meditate ourselves as a part of God only then we can discover our original reality. The person who told this has really felt so. And thus the doctrine of incarnation, achieved by the supreme grace of almighty was being started and reflects over thousands of people as the part of real humanity.
Key Words: Helio-centric, Dio-centric, Human Development, Doctrine, Incarnation, Ramkrishna, Humanity.
Full Paper : PDF, Page No. 01-04
Dr. Tapan Ray
Ex-Post Doctorate Fellow, ICSSR, New Delhi, India
Padmanadir Majhi is a treatise of the sorrows and happiness, troubles, helplessness and sexual existence of the fishermen residing on the banks of Padma. The novelist Manik Bandhapadhyay depicted a rational village picture of Bengal almost one hundred years ago. In this novel the hardship of life in rough natural environment, and the exploitation of the fishermen and their wishes are implicitly hidden. I, through this essay, want to highlight the self identification and social crisis of the people belonging to the lower rank of the society.
Full Paper : PDF, Page No. 05-08
Nitish Das
Assistant Professor, Bengali, Margherita College, Tinsukia, Assam, India
Sadhan Chatterjee is the most celebrated writer of short stories-fiction. Although he is in the teaching profession yet he is devoted to literary skills. He is, in fact, one of the most renown in the literary field of the times having contributed to it, even today. In his fiction, he focuses his attention to the village life, Cosmo-metropolitan life in which the innocent suffer from the bad matrix of socio-political upheavals. Most of all, he dwells on the growth of the Panchayet-politics to the spiraling into the over powering of political-lust.
In modern literature, Sadhan Chatterjee has carved a prominent position in his writings. His contribution to modern fiction is invariably thought-provoking and in-depth. In ‘Gohin Gang’, he has delved in the populace of the Sunderbans, in the deserted jungles and river along with the struggle of living amongst the habitat and the people out there. For this, he also kept in touch with them, so as to be in the down-to-earth manner and then he could display characterize them as living characters in his fiction as such. In modern era, as we term as ‘subaltern’ – can be coined and analyzed in Sadhan Chatterjee’s writings.
Keywords: Village life, Cosmo-metropolitan life, Panchayet-politics, Political-lust, Down-to-earth, Subaltern.
Full Paper : PDF, Page No. 09-13
Dr. Dilip Ch. Das
HOD, Commerce, Goreswar College, Goreswar (BTAD) Baksa, Assam
Women education in India has also been a major preoccupation of both the government and civil society as educated women can play a very important role in the development of the country. Education is milestone of women empowerment because it enables them to responds to the challenges, to confront their traditional role and change their life. So that we can’t neglect the importance of education in reference to women empowerment India is poised to becoming superpower, a developed country by 2020. The growth of women’s education in rural areas is very slow. This obviously means that still large womenfolk of our country are illiterate, the weak, backward and exploited.” Education of women in the education of women is the most powerful tool of change of position in society. Education also brings a reduction in inequalities and functions as a means of improving their status within the family.
Keywords: Education, Female Literacy Rate, Women Empowerment. Importance of Education, Powerful Tool.
Full Paper : PDF, Page No. 14-18
Dr. Md. Mafiz Uddin
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Economics, Mandia Anchalik College, Mandia, Barpeta, Assam
The Government policy, food production and nutrition security are intimately interconnected, since only a food based approach governed by appropriate policy can help in overcoming malnutrition in an economically and socially sustainable manner. Food production provides the base for food security as it is a key determinant of food availability. This paper deals with fact how far the National Food Security Act is successful ensuring high productivity and production without associated ecological harm for ensuring adequate food availability. By mainstreaming ecological considerations in technology development and dissemination, we can enter an era of evergreen revolution and sustainable food and nutrition security. Public policy support is crucial for enabling this.
Key Words: Food security Act, food production, food availability, sustainable food security.
Full Paper : PDF, Page No. 19-26
Bishnu Prasad Gogoi
Assistant Professor of English, The Assam Kaziranga University, Assam, India
Nonverbal communication is the process of communication through sending and receiving wordless (mostly visual) cues between people. It is equally important like verbal skills for efficient and effective communication. It is sometimes mistakenly referred to as body language (kinesics). But nonverbal communication encompasses much more, such as use of voice (paralanguage), touch (haptics), distance (proxemics), and physical environments. It is often said that the manner one delivers a speech has the ability to capture the interest of the audience on the desired subject. Nonverbal communication thus has a vital role to play in the delivery of any presentation. It is due to our unconscious use of some nonverbal means that the audience can decode our behavioural patterns. In reality, the personality development factors such as nervousness, weakness, lack of confidence, over-confidence etc. can be better evaluated by decoding the nonverbal means of communication. It is, therefore, advantageous to use proper nonverbal means of communication during any presentation, as one’s personality is an overall culmination of both spoken and behavioural languages. This paper of mine is an attempt to examine how the presentation process is greatly influenced by proper use of nonverbal communication and thereby suggesting some remedial measures to avoid negative means of nonverbal communication.
Key Words: Nonverbal communication, Kinesics, Haptics, Proxemics.
Full Paper : PDF, Page No. 27-31
Inamani Das
Research Scholar, Gauhati University, Assam, India
Forests are precious resource given by nature. It is often termed as multipurpose resource. Once, North east India was considered as rich in forest resources. But reckless cutting of trees and clearing of forest and lack of concerted effort in afforestation have greatly affected the forest resources of the region. Unsustainable extraction of forest resources has disrupted the forest ecosystem and resulted in tremendous loss of biodiversity. Exploitation of forest resources and excessive deforestation has put tremendous stress and stain in environmental sustainability which in turn affects the quality of life for both present and future generation. This study attempts to examine the trend of forest dynamics and degradation and also to make an assessment of the causes responsible for forest depletion. Based collected information and data the study further tries to uphold the concept of sustainable management of forest resources by promoting environmentally sound forest conservation measures.
Keywords: Forest dynamics, forest ecosystem, forest resources, deforestation, sustainable management.
Full Paper : PDF, Page No. 32-41
Mriganka Narayan Das
Research Scholar, Vinaya Bhavana,Visva-Bharati, West Bengal, India
Asst. Teacher, Makhaltore Madhyamik Vidyalaya, Burdwan, India
The present study has been conducted to compare the progress of primary education in West Bengal and Kerala. The data were collected from DISE: Flash Statistics. The data were analyzed critically with logical approach considering various factors that influenced the primary education system. The findings of the study revealed that the access and infrastructure of primary education system in West Bengal was more developed than in Kerala since 2005. The composite educational development index was dropped from the year 2008 to 2014 in Kerala and in this respect, West Bengal was better than Kerala. This suggested that the status of primary education was rapidly developed from the year 2008 to 2014 than that of Kerala.
Key Words: Primary education, West Bengal, Kerala, Educational Development Index.
Full Paper : PDF, Page No. 42-48
Nabin Hakhrari
Ph.D. Scholar, Department of Political Science, North Eastern Hill University, Shillong
Like many other political movements, the Bodoland demand movement in Assam also first started democratically and soon culminated into an extremist movement and two groups viz., National Democratic Front of Bodoland (NDFB) and Boro Liberation Tigers Force (BLTF) played an instrumental role in the process. Both group demand Bodoland, but BLTF demanded a separate state within India; on the other hand NDFB has been demanding a sovereign Bodoland outside the Indian union or secession from Indian Union. The demand of BLTF has been partially fulfilled by the formation of Bodoland Territorial Council (BTC), ignoring the demand of NDFB. So far, the Government authorities have not formulated or adopted any long-term strategy for a permanent solution to Bodo Terrorism; rather, they stratified the Bodo leadership and co-opted the middle class by negotiating with their demands. Meanwhile, some more militants have declined to lay down their arms.
In view of these developments, the paper seeks to examine the factors responsible for the persistence of Bodo Terrorism and implications of Government strategies in dealing with the same.
Key Words: Terrorism, Relative Deprivation, Demands, Fratricide.
Full Paper : PDF, Page No. 49-53
Paramita Roy and Vandana Sharma
Dept. of Social Work, Visva-Bharati, Sriniketan, Birbhum, West Bengal, India
The ‘Kantha’ stitch sector in Santiniketan is a vibrant industry with a lot of women workers involved in it. There are not only women who stitch the artwork on the cloth materials but there are also some women who have started their own enterprises which take orders from clients and employ other women to carry out the stitching assignments. These women are not readily visible as they mostly operate from their homes. However they represent a latent force in women’s labour as they signify inherent business skills and management prowess not to speak of skills of an artisan and the courage to fight personal and social odds. This paper focuses on four such case studies to analyse the intra and inter case-thematic sequences important in contributing to their success. The paper finds that the traditional familial pressures against women in business have now given way to most families supporting positively to women who want to work and earn a decent living for themselves. However the women face the problems of social mobility and reduced bargaining power in the markets that deter them from competing against their male counterparts. They want professional help from the government and the private sector that will be flexible, accessible and need-based.
Key words: Kantha stitch, women workers, Santiniketan, women labour.
Full Paper : PDF, Page No. 54-60
Romana Ali
Research Scholar, Dept. of Education, University of Calcutta & Lecturer, Dept. of Education, Matiaburj College, West Bengal, India
"We want that education by which character is formed, strength of mind is increased, the intellect is expanded, and by which one can stand on one's own feet"
- Swami Vivekananda
Swami Vivekananda, a revolutionary saint of contemporary modern times has influenced the entire world with inspirational thoughts and ideas. This paper tries to expand and analyze Swami Vivekananda views on character building education and the responsibilities of teacher as an endeavor to uplift and upgrade the society. The thoughts of Swami Vivekananda have implications in present day teaching process. In this perspective, Vivekananda strongly insisted that teachers as role models should have positive and active influence in developing students moral character under their guidance. They have to train and mould the minds of our young people so as to make them worthy citizens of our democratic nation. The essential component of educational pedagogy is to teach students to decide correctly what is right or wrong. Thus character-building education is the only answer to achieve the desired goal. Swami Vivekananda believed that a nation progresses on the basis of education and intelligence spread among the common people. Thus through his enriching scheme of character education he tried to inculcate democratic and national ideals on improving the quality of education within the school organization. This would ultimately lead to material progress of the country as well as to maintain India’s spiritual heritage.
Key Words: Character-Building, Teachers, Education Pedagogy, School Organisation, Nation progress.
Full Paper : PDF, Page No. 61-65
Kalyan Deshomukhya
Subject Teacher, Judhisthir Saha H. S. School, Behara, Cachar, Assam, India

 Full Paper : PDF, Page No. 66-71
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