Volume-III, Isuue-I, July 2014 - Pratidhwani the Echo

ISSN: 2278-5264 (Online)
ISSN: 2321-9319 (Print)
A Peer-Reviewed Indexed Journal of Humanties & Social Science
Impact Factor: 6.28 (Index Copernicus International) 3.1 (InfoBase Index)
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Volume-III, Isuue-I, July 2014

Research Article

ঝুম্পা লাহিড়ীর ‘সমনামী’ : আত্মিক সংকটে জর্জরিত এক বাঙালি রমনীর জীবন পরিক্রমা
Jhumpa Lahirir 'Samanami' : Atmik Sankote Jorjorito ek Bangalee Ramanir Jibon Prokroma
Parimal Ch. Das
Asst. Prof., K.G.T. College, Darjiling, West Bengal

Jhumpa Lahiri is not a Bengali writer. After the grand success of the ‘Pulitzer Prize’ – Wining short story collection ‘Interpreter of Maladies’ she wrote her first novel ‘The Namesake’ (2003) in English from America. ‘The Namesake’ was published in Bengali under the title ‘Samanami’. Ashima Bhaduri (Ganguli), the main character of the novel was born in Uttar-Kolkata; at the age of nineteen she got married with an NRI student named Ashoke Ganguli of ‘Massachusetts Institutes of Technology’. Ashima emigrates to the United States to from a new life. They spent couple of years in Boston. After two years, the Gangulis have moved from Harvard Square to a university town, which was on the outside of Boston. After two years in university housing Ashima and Ashoke decided to buy a home on Pemberton Road and there were no Bengali neighbors. New to America, Ashima could not adjust with the attitude towards life of the American people and culture. Every day, year after years she struggles through the language and different cultural barriers and feels a terrible anguish of alienation. This alienation of being a foreigner is compared to ‘a sort of life long pregnancy’. After sudden death of her husband Ashima feels deep loneliness. Her son Gogol is living in a tiny apartment in New York, working as an architect. Within a year of dating, Gogol and Moushumi get married in New Jersey. But, Moushumi has an affair, so they decided to get divorce within a year. Gogol’s sister Sonia and her boy-friend Ben are going to be married and they will form a new life separately. Ashimia decided to spend six months at a time in Kolkata with her brother’s family and six months in the United States with her children and friends. In this paper a discussion in made on the tragedy of Ashima which is emanating from root and rootlessness.
Keywords: Emigrates, Language and Cultural barriers, Alienation, Rootlessness, and Nostalgic.
Language: Bengali

বাংলা নাটকে কাব্যভাষাঃ প্রয়োগের আধুনিকতায়
(মোহিত চট্টোপাধ্যায়ের নির্বাচিত ত্রয়ী অবলম্বনে)
Bangla Natoke Kabyoabhasha: Proyoger Adhunikotay ( Mohit Chottyopadhyayer Nirbachito Troyi Obolombone)
Barnali Bhowmik (Ghosh)
Asst. Professor & HOD, Dasharath Deb Memorial College, Khowai, Tripura, India

The diction used in poetry is itself poetic-diction, outwardly it is artistic and inwardly possesses a deep symbolic significance. When any theatre personality himself possesses such quality, that is conscious poetic mind the play (which is an applied field) itself begets an all total different meaning and the play comes closer to a poetic-drama. While analysing the dramas of modern playwright Sri.Mohit Chatterjee we come across such phenomena. Sri.Chatterjee had been writing plays since three decades of 20 th century. All his plays bears the testimony of the fact that his personality was a successful amalgamation of a playwright and a poet. On one hand his dialogues are sharp and artistic, on the other the musical element of a poetic drama is also present, along with the reflection of the society with its fallies and foibles.From linguistic viewpoint the selected trio of Mohit Chatterjee’s plays and the analysis of the poetic language in them is the main endeavor of this research paper.  
Language: Bengali

আলংকারিক আচার্য আনন্দবর্ধনের দৃষ্টিতে ধ্বনি ও ধ্বনি বিরোধীমত : একটি সমীক্ষা
Alongkarik Acharjya Anandabordhoner Dristite Dhwani o Dhwani Birodhimot: Ekti Somikkha
Kalyan Banarjee
Asst. Prof., Dept. of Philosophy, Raja Rammohan Roy College, Hoogly, West Bengal


Anandavardhana Points out in his Dhavanyaloka that there are three (mainly three) opponent theories against Dhvani or Byanjana. According to these three opponent theories Dhvani has not any special role in kavya (poetry). They have tried to reduce Dhavani or Byanjana into Guna or Alankara. But Anandvardhana does not agree with them. He claims that Dhvani is the soul of  kavya, it exceeds all limits of decorum. According to him Dhvani enhances the asthetic pleasure of kavya. In the article entitled "Acharya Anandavardaner Drishtite Dhvani o Dhvani Birodhi mot : Ekti Samiksha", I have discussed elaborately the nature of Dhvani and have tried to show how Anandavardhana established the necessity of Dhani. Maintaining the three opponent theories of Dhvani I have tried to show Anandavardhans position against those theories, and have critically analyzed the matter in detail.       
Language: Bengali

Alleviation of rural poverty by   cottage industry clusters  
Dhritiman Bhattacharyya
Research Scholar, Dept. of Rural Development & Management, University of Kalyani, West Bengal, India

Poverty is an old phenomenon and it requires a prolonged process to be averted from the society. Numerous principles have been depicted in order to alleviate this social malignancy; although still more than a billion  of poverty stricken people are wondering on this planet. This article focuses on the possibility of reduction of poverty of the rural people with reviving the age old cottage industries in the villages. A clan of rural artisans with similar trade can create a lot of opportunities for higher income and newer possibilities may emerge as further proposition. More than that, these cottage industries are nothing new to them, rather being inherited for generations. So, there is only requirement of assisting them by the introduction of conducive atmosphere and providing them the required mental & technical support to get out of the vicious cycle. The cumulative effort of the group may decrease the amount of obstacles to a large extent. The possibility of betterment of lifestyle of the rural artisans is the sole concept of this article.
Keywords: Poverty, Human Poverty Index, Cottage industry, Cluster Approach, Common Facility Centre
Language: English

Significance of Research and Development in Knowledged Economies like India
Dr. Veena Sharma
 Associate Professor, R.R.M.K Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Pathankot

The knowledge economy is powered by research and development. OECD explains knowledge based economy as an economy that is directly based on the production; distribution and generation of employment access all industries (OECD, 1996). According to an official American report, the economies of East/Southeast and South Asia - including China, India, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, and Taiwan- represented 34 percent of the global R&D total in 2011. India has witnessed a phenomenal increase in R&D investment over the past few years, which touched USD 6.8 billion in 2004 at CAGR of 45 percent over 2002-04. The concept of knowledge economy, international scenario of R&D, expenditure on R&D in India, sector-wise expenditure on R&D in India, various sources of funds in India, patents and grants to India for R&D etc. are studied under present paper. Challenges faced by this sector and steps undertaken by Government of India are also discussed.

Keywords: Knowledge Economy, Knowledge-Based Industry, Research and Development.

Language: English

Decentralization in the Eastern India and political participation
Ph.D Scholar, Department of Political Science, University of Kalyan, West Bengal

The eastern state of West Bengal in India has been characterized by de to local governments (panchayats) for over a quarter century now, in striking contrast to much of the rest of India. This is primarily the result of a conscious strategy of agrarian transformation pursued by a coalition of left parties (known as the Left Front) that has held power at the state government continuously since 1977. While a hand of other Indian states periodically experimented with decentraliza prior to the 1990s, it is only since the passage of the seventy-third and seventy-fourth constitutional amendments in 1993 that the rest of India has systematically begun to implement such a system. In West Bengal decentralization experiment thus predated the all-India experi and is frequently hailed as an instance of successful implemen of decentralization that other Indian states would do well to emulate.In this article, we provide an account of the origins of the panchayat system in West Bengal, followed by a description of the range of responsibilities devolved and their functioning. We subsequently summarize results of recent research concerning patterns of local par of local residents and their success in targeting resources to intended beneficiaries of various developmental programs. We con with an assessment of the system on normative grounds (the ex to which they have promoted accountability and responsiveness in the delivery of public services) as well as the political economy of the reforms (how well they have secured the political objectives of the Left Front government).
Language: English

Time as Duration in Rohinton Mistry’s   Such A Long Journey
Sudip Sinha
 Assistant Professor, Dept. of English, Karimganj College, Karimganj, Assam, India

The notion of time as flux and its corollary, the eternal issue of transience and permanence have engaged all the minds, philosophers and artists alike since time immemorial. Time is integral to realizing the pulse of Rohinton Mistry’s Such A Long Journey. However, it is not the fretfulness over the fleeting moment which forms the core of the issue in the novel. Rather the brooding concern here is to strike a fine balance in order to form a synthesis of fixity and flux, motion and motionlessness as equally strong impulses. The purpose of this present study is to look into and explore this aspect of the work. I have drawn extensively on the works of the 20 th century French philosopher Henry-Louis Bergson as part of an analytical approach to throw light on the paradox that lies at the heart of the novel:  that transmutation and immutability do not only co-exist together but co-mingle into forming the truest identity of our psychical life.
Key words Fixity, Flux, Duration, Journey, Continuation, Growth
Language: English

Role of Su-Ka-Pha in Founding Ahom Kingdom in Assam
Ms. Piku Doley
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Education, Kamargaon College

Sukapha, the great legend, was the founder of Ahom Kingdom in Assam. He was a brave and courageous dignitary who enlightened every part of his kingdom. His good governance not only influenced the Ahom kingdom but also the other small empires in Assam, then known as Kamrup. To make the Ahom dynasty powerful and permanent he undertook conciliatory measures towards the neighbouring kings. He appointed Katakis and two chief Buragohains and Borgohains which were most essential for the foundation, growth and prosperity of his newly established regime. Through this study, an effort has made to draw the role of Sukapha in founding Ahom dynasty in Assam and to understand his relation with other neighbouring countries in maintaining peace.
Keywords: Su-Ka-Pha, Ahom Kingdom, Assam
Language: English

Non-Research Artcle

A Study on Soil Pollution With special reference to Market Area of Serfanguri, Kokrajhar, Assam
Neeta Baglari
 Asst. Professor, Dept. of Education, Janata College, Serfanguri, Assam, India

Environment is the immediate surrounding space around man. Man has played a key role in modifying the environment in his constant efforts towards improving the standard of living. This led to thoughtless Urbanization, Industrialization and over- exploitation of resources. Now it has been realized that the environmental changes have exceeded the critical limits and the ecosystem is highly unbalanced. Further, the quantum of Solid waste substance such as newspapers, bottles, plastic bags, polythene, packing material and garbage have also increased drastically leading to pollution of different kinds, the worst affected being the soil. As such, there is an urgent need to control solid waste generated pollution, in which environmental education can play a vital role. This paper is an attempt to understand the causes, effects and awareness about the environmental degradation through soil pollution in the market area of Sefanguri, Kokrajhar, Assam.
Keywords: Solid Waste, Environmental Degradation, Soil Pollution, Environmental Education.
Language: English

Book Review

Ethnic Conflict and Civic Life: Hindus and Muslims in India by Ashutosh Varshney
Sriparna Chatterjee
 Asst. Professor, Dept. of Political Science, Matiaburj College, Kolkata, India

Language: English

The European Union: A Critical Guide by Steven P. McGiffen
Tridip Bardalai
 Research Scholar, Centre for International Politics, Organasation and Disarmament, School of International Studies, JNU, New Delhi, India

Language: English

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